Shit by Whit   |   A turd disguised as a Snickers bar squeezing it's way through the bowels of the constipated internet shooting for the sphincter.

Entitled little bitches want free shit

Posted in Current Events on December 20th, 2021

Pete Buttigieg's husband Chasten mocks Biden admin restarting student loan payments next month: 'No thank you.'

Chasten Buttigieg, a part-time drama school teacher who faced ridicule in July after he complained about rent prices in Washington, D.C., claiming he and his husband "couldn’t afford" anything bigger than a one-bedroom apartment doesn’t appear to be a fan of the Sleepy Joe Biden admin’s plan to restart student loan payments next month. Full story... 

"These are the guys who complained that they couldn’t afford rent in DC on Pete’s $220K salary (and all their money from writing books)," Republican strategist Matt Whitlock commented. "A good reminder that the left’s ‘cancel student loan debt’ goal would overwhelmingly help financially comfortable people."

"Imagine being so far removed from the real world that you complain about your $4,500/mo apartment not having a den," Abigail Marone, press secretary for Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo, tweeted at the time. "Americans are struggling to afford basic necessities thanks to Biden inflation but poor Pete & Chasten don't get a den in their high-end building. Boo hoo."

Well, you guys should've of considered that before accepting the job instead of focusing only on "power." The unemployed and those busting their ass living in a 5th wheel trailer in the winter earning 5-10% of what you and Pete make feel real fucking sorry for you. Suck it up ya whiny progressive Millennial bitches.

Why do you millennials think that YOU deserve to have your student debts forgiven? Why are you entitled to a "free" education – at everyone else's fucking expense – and not everyone else before you? You know, like the Boomers and Gen Xers? They had student loans too, many of which were paid off through years of hard work. Shouldn't they be entitled to get their student loans reimbursed?

What about the people that gave years of their lives to this country to go to school on the GI bill? Shouldn't they also be reimbursed for those years?

How about all the parents that worked their asses off to pay for their kids education out of pocket? What about those that went to the school of hard knocks at 14 years in order to survive? Why are YOU the ones entitled to a "free" education? What makes you so special?

Since the US government seems to have an unlimited amount of money to print spend on free shit, I think we should distribute all the free shit by age groups.

Silent Generation - Those born 1928 to 1945:

$100,000 + Free health care + senior living apartment for life + free cable TV

Baby Boomers: Those born 1946 to 1964:

There are almost 71 million Boomers here in the USA. Those that worked their asses off to get their student loans paid off get $250,000 + free food for life. Those that went to school on their GI bill get $250,000 for the first two years of service +  $10,000 for each additional year + free food for life. Boomers that didn't get to go to school because they had to work to survive get $250,000 ea. + free food for life.

Generation X'ers - those born from 1965 to 1985

There are 65 million of them and they are entitled to have their student debt erased or refunded + $200,000.

Millennials - those born from 1986 to 2000

There are about 72 milliuon of you know-it-all millennials out there. You get your student debt erased + 50% off Tesla towing BUT, someone has to grow all that free food we're going to give to everyone born before 1964 and guess what? You're it! If you don't already know which end of a shovel does what or the difference between a hoe and a rake, you are entitled to learn free of charge! There are millions of qualified English and Spanish speaking instructors ready to show you everything you need to know about farming and ranching.

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Who were the Huguenots?

The Huguenots were a religious group of French Protestants who held to the Reformed, or Calvinist, tradition of Protestantism. The term has its origin in early-16th-century France. It was frequently used in reference to those of the Reformed Church of France from the time of the Protestant Reformation. By contrast, the Protestant populations of eastern France, in Alsace, Moselle, and Montbéliard, were mainly German Lutherans.

In his Encyclopedia of Protestantism, Hans Hillerbrand said that, on the eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572, the Huguenot community made up as much as 10% of the French population. By 1600 it had declined to 7–8%, and was reduced further after the return of severe persecution in 1685 under Louis XIV's Edict of Fontainebleau.

The Huguenots are believed to have been concentrated among the population in the southern and western parts of the Kingdom of France. As Huguenots gained influence and more openly displayed their faith, Catholic hostility grew. A series of religious conflicts followed, known as the French Wars of Religion, fought intermittently from 1562 to 1598. The Huguenots were led by Jeanne d'Albret; her son, the future Henry IV (who would later convert to Catholicism in order to become king); and the princes of Condé. The wars ended with the Edict of Nantes, which granted the Huguenots substantial religious, political and military autonomy.

Huguenot rebellions in the 1620s resulted in the abolition of their political and military privileges. They retained the religious provisions of the Edict of Nantes until the rule of Louis XIV, who gradually increased persecution of Protestantism until he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau (1685). This ended legal recognition of Protestantism in France and the Huguenots were forced to either convert to Catholicism (possibly as Nicodemites) or flee as refugees; they were subject to violent dragonnades. Louis XIV claimed that the French Huguenot population was reduced from about 900,000 or 800,000 adherents to just 1,000 or 1,500. He exaggerated the decline, but the dragonnades were devastating for the French Protestant community.

The remaining Huguenots faced continued persecution under Louis XV. By the time of his death in 1774, Calvinism had been nearly eliminated from France. Persecution of Protestants officially ended with the Edict of Versailles, signed by Louis XVI in 1787. Two years later, with the Revolutionary Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789, Protestants gained equal rights as citizens.