Shit by Whit   |   A turd disguised as a Snickers bar squeezing it's way through the bowels of the constipated internet shooting for the sphincter.

WTF is Woke?

Posted in Current Events on August 15th, 2021

In literal terms, being woke refers to being awake and not asleep. But in the real world woke is "being aware of the truth" behind things being said and done. Not falling for the scam or the bullshit. But not any more. Now "woke" means “the act of being so pretentious about how much you care about a social issue that you're fucking oblivious to the real issue” which is: you poor wokes are falling for their scam hook line and sinker. Wake up you sleepy woke fools!

The Chinese call you "Baizuo" - white left, and they're loving the shit show going on in America right now. A country half full of woke idiots, obeying and complying to every order they're given, believing everything they're told and shaming non-conformists is right up the Chinese alley!

Is Woke the new religion?

Wokeism is a renewed and intensified form of identity politics now present in all sectors of our society: politics, media, advertising, sports, art, education, military. It's becoming a civil religion combining American individualistic liberalism with guilt pride. If you don't agree 100% with them, you're a racist or bigot or homophobe or deplorable or infidel or – worse than all of them combined – someone who voted for Trump. You're a piece of shit to them.

I'm not religious. There are too many religions and ideologies out there for me to label "one" as "true" making all the others bullshit, so I don't subscribe to any of them, including "wokeism" or whatever they're calling themselves this week. I'm not saying religions are bullshit. There are good things / helpful tips and tricks / lessons to come out of ALL of them I'm sure, but who has the time to learn everything about all religions? Nobody. As children we follow our parents who followed their parents who followed their parents. We're brought up as Christians or Muslims or Buddhists and we're expected to stick with it for life, like it or not, like we're expected to stick with our hometown football team whether they win or lose.

Here is the USA, the religion of choice is Christianity consisting of Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, Quakers, Pentecostals, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Anglicans, Jehovah's Witnesses and others. If you are raised as a Baptist, chances are you don't know shit about Jehovah's Witnesses (except that they knock on a lot of doors) or any other religions, and that's alright in a "live and let live" world, but we're not in a "live and let live" world anymore. The wokes don't give a shit about your silly religion much like the Catholics didn't give a shit about the Protestants ( Huguenots ) silly religion 500+ years ago in France and the Taliban doesn't give a shit about any silly non-Muslim religion today. It's their way or the highway. They're "right", everyone else is "wrong." Obey or disappear. End of debate.

Scorecard: Who the wokes would be up against

In the game of religion, Christianity has been in the lead for over 100 years now. Today the Christians have 32.8% of the worlds population on their team with 50.1% of them being Catholic, 36.7% being Protestant (Adventists, Anabaptists [including Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites], Anglicans [including Episcopalians], Baptists, Calvinists [or the Reformed tradition] [including Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Continental Reformed, Waldensians], Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Other Protestants [including Hussites, Brethren, Free Evangelicals, Quakers, United, Holiness and others]), 11.9% being Eastern/Oriental Orthodox and 1.3% other. The Muslims are in second place 22.5% of the population and the Hindus are in 3rd with 13.8%. (Complete score card can be found here). So if Wokeism wants to be the number one religion, they'll have to "convert" or "force" 2.6 billion Christians, 1.7 billion Muslims and 1+ billion Hindus to get there, and they'll need more than gaslighting to do it.

The Reformation and Its Discontents: Wokeism After George Floyd. A more aggressive and missionary version of woke religion took root after his death. Wokeism - The New Religion of The West

To be WOKE you must understand what 2SLGBTQ+ is

For you non-WOKE deplorables reading this, below is a very confusing explanation of what 2SLGBTQ+ is.

Sexuality and Romantic Attraction

  • LGBTQ2IA or 2SLGBTQ+: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Two-Spirit, Intersex, Asexual
  • MOGAI: Marginalized Orientations, Gender Alignments and Intersex
  • MOGII: Marginalized Orientations, Gender Identities, Intersex
  • MGSRI: Marginalized Gender, Sexual and Romantic Identities
  • QUILTBAG: Queer, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay
  • Aromantic: A romantic identity meaning that someone is not attracted to anyone romantically.
  • Asexual: A sexuality meaning that someone is not attracted to anyone sexually.
  • Bisexual/Biromantic: The attraction to two or more genders.
  • Gay/Homosexual/Homoromantic: The attraction to someone of the same gender.
  • Lesbian: A woman or trans-feminine person who is attracted to other women and trans-feminine people.
  • Pansexual/Panromantic: The attraction to people, regardless of their gender.
  • Queer: An umbrella term for a variety of different 2SLGBTQ+ identities.
  • Sexual Orientation/Sexuality: Refers to who someone is attracted to sexually
  • Straight/Heterosexual/Heteroromantic: The attraction to someone of the opposite gender.
  • Romantic Orientation: Refers to who someone is attracted to romantically.

Biological Sex, Gender, and Gender Expression:

  • Agender: An identity meaning without gender or neutrality around gender.
  • AMAB/AFAB: Assigned male at birth / Assigned female at birth
  • Bigender: An identity that is a combination of the gender binary.
  • Biological Sex: A designation given by doctors when someone is born based on their sex organs, hormones, and chromosomes. It is typically split up into three categories female, intersex, and male.
  • Cisgender: An adjective meaning that someone’s gender does match the biological sex they were assigned at birth.
  • Crossdressing/Crossdresser: Dressing as the ‘opposite’ gender as a form of gender expression. Someone who does this regularly may refer to themselves as a crossdresser, however crossdresser still has negative connotations and should only be used with forethought or permission.
  • Drag Queen/King: Someone who dresses extravagantly gendered in an exaggerated way for performance.
  • FTM/MTF: Female to Male / Male to Female
  • Gender: Someone’s internal sense of being a man, woman, or identity outside the binary. While socially constructed via norms, roles, and behaviours how someone identifies with them is their own and is valid.
  • Gender Affirmative Surgery: Surgical procedure(s) that change someone’s body so that it may better reflect their gender. There are many different surgeries that are used to affirm someone’s gender. They are typically referred to as either ‘top surgery’ or ‘bottom surgery’, though there are other surgeries used to alter secondary sex characteristics as well.
  • Gender Binary: The classification of gender into men and women (and only men and women).
  • Gender Dysphoria: The distress a transgender person may feel towards their biological sex characteristics that do not reflect their gender. Gender dysphoria is not a necessary part of being transgender, though most medical procedures do require a formal diagnosis of it from a psychiatrist, psychologist, or physician.
  • Gender Euphoria: The feeling of joy or happiness a transgender person may feel when seeing themselves as, or being perceived as, the gender they are.
  • Gender Expression: How someone externally represents their gender, this may include their hair, clothes, voice, or body. Typically described by words like feminine, masculine, and/or androgynous. Someone’s gender expression may not match that typically prescribed by their gender.
  • Gender Fluid: A gender identity and form of gender expression that is not fixed and varies over time.
  • Gender Queer/Gender Variant: A gender identity (and umbrella term) for gender(s) that consist of either, neither, or a combination of the gender binary.
  • Intersex: A sex designation and umbrella term for a number of conditions that cause reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not fit into the binary of male and female.
  • Non-Binary: An identity (often used as an umbrella term) to mean a gender outside of or in-between the gender binary of man and woman.
  • Passing: The act of being perceived as the gender one identifies with.
  • Stealth: When a transgender person is living their life as their gender and chooses to not tell others that they are transgender.
  • Transition: Refers to when a person begins living as the gender they identify with. This may involve a social, legal, and/or medical transition, though not necessarily all three.
  • Transgender (Trans): An adjective meaning that someone’s gender does not match the biological sex they were assigned at birth.
  • Trans-Feminine: A non-binary identity or gender expression that leans more towards femininity.
  • Trans-Masculine: A non-binary identity or gender expression that leans more towards masculinity.
  • Two-Spirit: A non-binary umbrella term for a variety of gender identities in different indigenous cultures and traditions.

Note: The list of genders and sexualities provided above is in no way exhaustive but defines the terms that are most commonly used.


Types of Discrimination

  • Biphobia: The fear and/or hatred of bi people, often causing exclusion, harassment, discrimination, and/or violence.
  • Cis-Normativity: The assumption of the gender binary and that everyone’s gender matches their biological sex assigned at birth.
  • Homophobia: The fear and/or hatred of gay people, often causing exclusion, harassment, discrimination, and/or violence.
  • Micro-aggression: Small actions, words, or behaviours that are subtly and indirectly discriminatory or hurtful towards marginalized communities.
  • Transphobia: The fear and/or hatred of trans people, often causing exclusion, harassment, discrimination, and/or violence.

The Meaning and History of Slurs:

  • Dyke: A masculine woman, typically with the implication that she is a lesbian. Dyke while a word of its own now, was originally a shortening of the word hermaphrodite (see below). The popularization of it as a slur for lesbians occurred in the early 20th century (OED Online, "dyke, n.")
  • Fag/Faggot: The slur itself currently means a gay or feminine man. However, when it was in the 15th century it was used to specifically mean the wood heretics would carry before they were burned at the stake, and later still it referred to an emblem that heretics were forced to wear. Overtime it went through a variety of meanings, most of the time it was used to refer to either a useless woman or a feminine man. In the early 20th century, in North America, the word was popularized as a gay slur (OED Online, “faggot, n. and adj.”).
  • Tranny: The shortening of the word transvestite. The word originated in the 20th century to mean a person (typically a man) who wears the clothes of the opposite sex for sexual gratification (OED Online, “transvestite, n. and adj.”). When exactly it became a slur for both crossdressers and transgender people is unclear, but it has always been meant offensively.

Derogatory Terms:

  • Hermaphrodite: Used to mean intersex. Hermaphrodite would mean that someone has both completely male and completely female sex organs simultaneously. Hermaphrodite and/or pseudo-hermaphrodite is still used by many, including those in the medical professions (ISNA, “Is a person who is intersex a hermaphrodite?”). It is a misleading and often stigmatizing word.
  • Sex-change: A synonym for transition or transitioning that implies transgender people were not always their genders. It holds a lot of negative connotations.
  • Transvestite: See Tranny above.
  • Sex reassignment surgery: Originally used instead of gender affirmative surgery. It implies that there is one surgery, and that transgender people were not always their genders.
  • Transexual: An old word for a transgender person who has or is in the process of medically transitioning. This word is not used anymore since medically transitioning is not necessary to be trans as this word would imply.

Woke = make this country progressive or bust. Burn it down.

The problem with WOKE-ism according to the Catholics

Liberty. Equality. Fraternity. Those are beautiful things!

Where the Christian worldview and "Woke" worldview diverge is when it comes to WHAT, exactly, those words mean and HOW to achieve them.

Woke-ism isn't just a new idea. It's a new "religion" - a whole new worldview that sums up EVERYTHING in terms of human power dynamics. It's a "religion" that starts with a desire for justice (a good thing!) and ends with a divisive, reductionist view of history/other people/cultures (a bad thing!).

I made this video because truly loving people requires that we challenge ideologies that hurt and divide.

Christians, hunger and thirst for justice and don't turn a blind eye to the suffering and oppressed. But don't go along with a woke, reductionist ("nothing-but-ism"), worldview that is quick to accuse (Revelation 12:1) and "cancel."

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  1. Gail D

    Wokeism is just paranoia. Plain and simple. It's small and common and scared.

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Who were the Huguenots?

The Huguenots were a religious group of French Protestants who held to the Reformed, or Calvinist, tradition of Protestantism. The term has its origin in early-16th-century France. It was frequently used in reference to those of the Reformed Church of France from the time of the Protestant Reformation. By contrast, the Protestant populations of eastern France, in Alsace, Moselle, and Montbéliard, were mainly German Lutherans.

In his Encyclopedia of Protestantism, Hans Hillerbrand said that, on the eve of the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572, the Huguenot community made up as much as 10% of the French population. By 1600 it had declined to 7–8%, and was reduced further after the return of severe persecution in 1685 under Louis XIV's Edict of Fontainebleau.

The Huguenots are believed to have been concentrated among the population in the southern and western parts of the Kingdom of France. As Huguenots gained influence and more openly displayed their faith, Catholic hostility grew. A series of religious conflicts followed, known as the French Wars of Religion, fought intermittently from 1562 to 1598. The Huguenots were led by Jeanne d'Albret; her son, the future Henry IV (who would later convert to Catholicism in order to become king); and the princes of Condé. The wars ended with the Edict of Nantes, which granted the Huguenots substantial religious, political and military autonomy.

Huguenot rebellions in the 1620s resulted in the abolition of their political and military privileges. They retained the religious provisions of the Edict of Nantes until the rule of Louis XIV, who gradually increased persecution of Protestantism until he issued the Edict of Fontainebleau (1685). This ended legal recognition of Protestantism in France and the Huguenots were forced to either convert to Catholicism (possibly as Nicodemites) or flee as refugees; they were subject to violent dragonnades. Louis XIV claimed that the French Huguenot population was reduced from about 900,000 or 800,000 adherents to just 1,000 or 1,500. He exaggerated the decline, but the dragonnades were devastating for the French Protestant community.

The remaining Huguenots faced continued persecution under Louis XV. By the time of his death in 1774, Calvinism had been nearly eliminated from France. Persecution of Protestants officially ended with the Edict of Versailles, signed by Louis XVI in 1787. Two years later, with the Revolutionary Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789, Protestants gained equal rights as citizens.